How to Stop Harassment of Women and Children in Afghanistan



This young woman is one of the victims of street harassment in Afghanistan. She knew she was unable to change those criminals on the streets; therefore, she decided to change her own clothing style so that no one can touch her.
Those, who do not respect their own family members, they harass women on the streets as well.

Now what is the solution?
1) Like the USA, Afghanistan should also make a new law for this specific crime. These criminals for their negative criminal behavior should spend at least one or two years in jail.
2) Like all other women in developed countries, Afghan women should also assist the police to help them by using one of these following methods:
a) They should not keep quiet. They should speak up, scream or shout so that whoever passes by, hears and sees the incident.
b) They should immediately call the police.

As we all know, mostly in all over the world, children are the victims of different types of abuse and harassment.

What should we do to protect Afghan children?

We should inform the mothers first.
a) Mothers should explain to their children, sons and daughters, what harassment is!

They should know when they are being harassed. They should know that these types of annoying behaviors are bad, mean, unacceptable and intolerable.

Best regards,
Alaha Ahrar

The picture is taken from Hasmat Kohsar’s facebook.